How To Help Young Grad Recruits Climb The Ranks Of Your Business? – Tips For Modern Employers

How To Help Young Grad Recruits Climb The Ranks Of Your Business

University graduates have a significant impact on the UK’s economy and workplace. In 2022, there are estimated to be around 36.4 million graduates in the UK. Recruiting highly-skilled graduates from universities in the UK and abroad, and helping them receive promotions and take on more senior positions in your business, is crucial for ensuring your long-term success.

Delving into the graduate employment markets gives you access to some of the brightest young minds around today. It’s bad news for your company if your staff turnover is far too high, so you must do all you can to ensure young grads stay with you to achieve job promotions internally. We’ve come up with some handy tips for modern employers on how to help young grad recruits climb the ranks of your business. Carry on reading to learn more.

Ways to Help Young Grad Recruits Climb The Ranks Of Your Business

1. Offer Generous Perks And Incentives

Have a good hard think about what things you can offer as a business that will entice young graduates to apply for a vacancy with you? Remember, generous perks and rewards often incentivise job applicants, including free gym memberships, free tickets for live events, bonuses and extra performance-based pay, private healthcare, and plenty more.

Offer Generous Perks And Incentives

Make a judgement on how ‘generous’ you want to be with your staff rewards based on what fellow employers in your industry offer to candidates. However, be careful not to overspend and keep your rewards reasonable and within your organisation’s financial capabilities. Young people thrive on being motivated by employers to work hard in order to help achieve goals that capture their imagination and make them feel determined and competitive. Motivate young employees by trying to get inside their mindset.

2. Make Your Business’s Structure Clear From The Offset

You must inform new grad applicants about how they can progress internally within your organisation. You need to be ready to answer vital questions such as “provided I reach my performance targets, what role could I have with your company in 5/10 years?” New hires need to understand what they’re getting into and see a clear route for their career development and advancement with you as their long-term employer.

When people start feeling their careers are staggering, albeit due to lack of responsibilities, not reaching more senior positions, or simple burnout, they will leave you and try finding a new company to work for as quick as possible.

3. Provide Aspirational Young Grads With Impactful Mentorship

A great way to motivate employees who have recently graduated is by providing them with access to mentorship sessions with mentors that work in a similar or the same industry. No matter the size of your business whether it is a small business or big business, it’s always better for your young staff members to have someone they know they can follow in the footsteps of.

Provide Aspirational Young Grads With Impactful Mentorship


Young people are extremely impressable, and a few constructive conversations with trained mentors with plenty of industry experience can really do wonders in helping them think about their career path and future. Is your business looking to use a top-quality mentoring platform with thousands of trusted mentors? Check out PushFar and consider making the most of their world-leading mentoring software used by mentees across the globe.

4. Make Sure Your Entry-Level Roles Are Exciting

Enthusiastic young minds will be more attracted to exciting job roles, which allow them to do a diverse range of different interesting tasks on a regular basis. Variety is the spice of life, and young recruits will grow frustrated if their working days consist of the same old stuff and are mostly dull or uninspiring in nature.

Young grads want to make the most of any opportunity possible to demonstrate the power of their wonderfully bright minds to new employers. As a result, do your best to ensure the entry-level roles you offer are exciting and able to enthral young grads. Young grads are much more likely to stick with your company for the long run if they believe their job roles are interesting and varied. Take the risk by gradually, over time, trying to up the amount of responsibility you give to your new young grad recruits.

5. Immerse Young Grads In Your Company Culture

A vital component of your onboarding process for grad recruits should be to inform them all about your company culture during the interview stage. You want to make sure they are a good fit for your company by checking whether their values and beliefs align with your core company brand values.


 help young grad recruits climb the ranks of your business - Immerse Young Grads In Your Company Culture

For example, if you are a commercial brand passionately committed to upholding environmentally sustainable measures, try to gauge whether applicants feel the same way during the interview. After taking on new grads as full-time employees, continue to reemphasise your company culture and what you stand for as a business to them from their first day.

Graduates can undeniably prove assets to businesses operating across all sectors. Young minds can provide your business with sharp and fresh perspectives on things.