Business Rates Checker – Top 10 Websites to Check Business Rates in UK

Top 10 Websites to Check Business Rates in the UK

If you plan to open a business in the United Kingdom, you need to know about the business rates and how everything functions around it. Every business owner that has a business-related property in any part of the United Kingdom is required to pay a certain amount to the government, which is charged on their non-domestic property.

In short, business rates are a kind of tax that you pay to the government if you own a non-domestic property. It can be a different place where you run your business or even your house.

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Since the pandemic has hit the entire world, many business owners have started to operate from their homes. If your business falls under specific categories, you have to pay the business rates to the local Council. VOA evaluates and re-evaluates and is in charge of the business rates.

Below, in this article, we will share the details that you need to know about the business rates and the top 10 places where you can check business rates in the United Kingdom.

Business Property and Business Rates

In any part of the world, the property is divided into two categories: domestic and non-domestic. If your property is classified as a non-domestic property, you have to pay the business rate as per the rateable value of your property in the market. There are various private and government websites where you can know the rateable value of your property and calculate the business rates, which we will discuss further in the article in more detail.

The authority, the valuation office agency, takes care of the business rates and conducts devaluation and revaluation of the business properties so that everything remains transparent and fair for the business owners and the government.  The business rates that you pay to the VOA as per the calculation and the rateable value of your business property development are used further for society’s betterment. For example, it can be used to create a community park or rebuild a library.

Below, we have rounded up the top 10 websites where you can check the business rates, and we have tried to create this list as per the region. So, do pay attention.  The name of the places and the websites that we have mentioned in this list is in no particular order.

Top 10 Websites to Check Business Rates in the UK

1. Company Valuation Services

Company valuation services

On this website, you can check the business rates as per the rateable value of your property free of cost.

2. Appeal Business Rates

Appeal Business Rates

If you want to know about anything related to the business rates and want to appeal for reducing your business rate, you can look at this website and contact the people.

3. Gov.UK

Gov UK

This is an official website by the government of the United Kingdom where you can check the business rates free of cost and read the blogs that are specially related to the business rates and highly informative for beginners.

4. Knight Frank

Knight Frank

Knight Frank is one of the most trusted places in the United Kingdom. You can check the business rates on their website free of cost and help people buy and sell the properties, and assist them in matters related to the business rates.

5. Bira

Bira co uk

This website that operates in the United Kingdom has represented business owners looking to reduce their business rates. If you want to calculate the business rate of the property, you can do it here without giving any money and also take advice from the experts.

6. North Norfolk District Council

North Norfolk District Council

On this website, you can get everything related to the business rate, starting from calculating your business rate as per the property’s rateable value. You can also consult the experts on how you can reduce the amount of your business rate and their business wait on this website.

7. Merton Council

Merton Council

Merton Council of the UK has an online website where you can get all the information related to the business states and check out the rates for different reasons on this website.

8. Medway Council

Medway Council

The best part about the business rates and how you can calculate them is that the government of the United Kingdom has separate councils for different areas. Medway Council has its online websites where you can get in contact with them and calculate the business rates free of cost without going through any hassle.

9. London Borough of Hounslow

London Borough of Hounslow

Looking for calculating and paying your business States this place can be one of the most accessible options where you don’t have to step out from their house, and it can get everything do

10. Wiltshire

Wiltshire Council

Looking for calculating and paying your business States this place can be one of the most accessible options where you don’t have to step out from their house, and it can get everything do

Summing It Up

Each website we have mentioned in this list gives you the advantage of calculating your business rate free of cost. You can calculate the business state, but you can get every little information you want to know about the business rate. Business rates play a significant role in opening or closing a business; therefore, knowing everything about it is extremely important. Earlier, you would have been required to visit the local Council to know about the business rates, but luckily, now you can do that online.