8 Reasons Your Website Visitors Aren’t Converting

Reasons Your Website Visitors Are not Converting

If you run local or online businesses, increasing conversation is the essential goal of your website. Otherwise, it will affect your brand in the market. High traffic on your business website doesn’t manage a conversion rate. Excepting that, you should invest time and some money in SEO, backlinks, responsive design, creative content, and much more.

If you are looking for an answer as to why the website isn’t converting or how to increase the conversion rate. Don’t be afraid, in this article we have listed 8 reasons for low conversions on your website and provided the solution for how to resolve that?

Why My Website isn’t Converting?

New websites are not converting easily because visitors do not ensure your product and quality. It takes some time for visitors to stay on your website. On the other hand, some existing business websites are also not converting. But it has good traffic. Why? Here is the solution

  1. You are not using SEO
  2. Call Action is Hidden
  3. You Give Users Too Many Choices
  4. Your Website Headline is Confusing
  5. Your Contact Forms are Too long
  6. Website Don’t show the value of your products
  7. Negative Mobile Responsive
  8. Your Website Design is Outdated

1. You are Not Utilising SEO

Not Utilizing SEOSearch Engine Optimization (SEO) is the main role in search engine rankings. So, SEO strategies can help your site to a better ranking. Generally, SEO strategies are

You could implement the SEO strategies and get good conversion.

2. Call-to-Action is Hidden

Call-to-Action is HiddenCTA (Call to action) will take the next step and encourage your buyer’s journey. CTA depends on a contact form, an email sign-up, a buy now button, and so on. If you don’t set the call to action on your website, then your website users don’t find a clear path to your business. So put your business phone number on the header and add a CTA button on your front page.

3. You Give Users Too Many Choices

You Give Users Too Many ChoicesWhen you give too many menus and options to users when they are overwhelmed with your website.  Many options provide confusion to the users, they don’t take a good decision for your service. It is the worst case for your online business.

4. Your Website Headline is Confusing

Your Website Headline is ConfusingYour website headline is the key to your visitors. So, you do not give confusing headlines for your website. The headlines may speak your brand voice. You can set creative headlines for quick communication to the visitors. Which information helps visitors to communicate immediately?

  • Services
  • Your business location
  • The reason why your company is the best?
  • Ease of service

These things can easily attract your online visitors.

5. Your Contact Forms are Tool-Long

Your Contact Forms are Tool-LongToo long contact forms give typical problems for visitors. However, visitors get annoyed with your contact form. So, you can set a minimum of information for the users. It should Name, Email, Phone Number, and message box for their communication. If it is necessary, then only add other fields in the contact form.

6. Don’t show the value of your products

Don’t show the value of your productsBefore you sell it affects your business. So you can give some unique information and features of that product. It will provide a good value for your product. If you only focus on sales without showing the value of your product, then you can lose your business on the market.

7. Negative Mobile Responsive

Negative Mobile ResponseIn recent days, every website has been developing with mobile and friendly responsiveness. Because users do not visit your website all the time on their PCs. On the other hand, half the amount of website traffic is generated through mobile. The mobile responsive means a user should see your website on their mobile phone without any distraction. If your website is e-commerce, then you can include credit card information, shipping information, and so on.

8. Your Website Design is Outdated

Your Website Design is OutdatedOutdated websites do not provide relevant information to the users. May your website has been outdated for reasons given below like,

  • Old-fashioned fonts
  • Lacking contemporary content
  • Not responsive to mobile phones
  • Un support flash animations
  • Long loading times

 So, you should focus on your website themes and updates.


Here we provided some concepts and reasons for why your website visitors are not converting. We hope this article will help you implement new concepts on your website.