7 Interesting Ways to Create a More Luxurious Vibe in an Office Renovation

Ways to Create a More Luxurious Vibe in an Office Renovation

Office renovations are all the rage in the post-pandemic world. Enticing workers back to business hubs after a substantial increase in and desire for home working has not been an easy thing. Therefore, creating a modernised, luxurious office environment is one way to smooth the transition back to in-house working models. If you’re in the market for a revamp to bolster the wow factor and encourage a wave of employee engagement, here are some interesting ways to create that vibe in the office renovation process.

7 Interesting Ways to Create a More Luxurious Vibe in an Office Renovation

Focus on Co-Working Spaces

Focus on Co-Working Spaces

Separated cubicles are things of the past. While there is still value in providing independent work areas, to offer true luxury, there should be a flowing layout. Sometimes, luxury comes from creating ways of working that speak to the highest demand. Co-working spaces can be creative, luxurious brands if they are executed properly. High-class, large desks and supportive chairs complemented by a high quality of air and décor will really splash some life and luxury into any office. Nobody wants to be tucked away in a corner working alone anymore, so it is time for offices to adapt.

Brighten Up the Fixtures

Brighten Up the Fixtures

The little things mean a lot, and there is nothing that says luxury more than replacing all the old and bringing in some new. Fixtures are everything from door handles to light switches, and they can really impact the way a space feels. Shop around some good quality brands like Corston’s light switches and sockets to see what’s really on offer and how you can make it work with the space you’re trying to create. A clear light switch, for instance, can make a wall look classy and enhance the overall aesthetic because clear light switches are something a little outside of the norm and will infuse some life and class into any business arena. Revamping the sockets would also add to the overall effect and impact, and they are super easy little things to change that make a big impact.

Use Tech to Your Advantage

Use Tech to Your Advantage

A smart office is an undeniable luxury. Not only are they more energy efficient but they are also more compatible with modern work agendas. The IoT is a fascinating thing and is paving the way for innovation in the work environment. Workers will feel the luxuries of modern inventions by taking advantage of the many benefits this tech brings every time they work in the office. The convenience factor alone will create bigger, better engagement.

De-Bland Things

De-Bland Things

It is often said that luxurious things are never bland to the eye. Any company can work with this vibe and respond accordingly. Get rid of all the traditional, boring corporate artwork and opt for something fresh and modern. While neutral, earth tones are often superior for promoting productivity and ease of mind; there is nothing to suggest this can’t be complemented by some interesting wall features.

Get Organised

Get OrganisedThere can never be true luxury if there is clutter. A cluttered workspace is not conducive to healthy working environments, nor is it supportive of sufficient productivity. Ensure that, however the office turns out, there is always plentiful space for storing documents, supplies, and people’s belongings. Tidy and clean speak to high-class environments in a way that clutter never can.

Ask the Employees

Ask the Employees

What do your employees want to enhance their workday? The way they feel about the office is always a big tell and worth considering in the planning factors. There is no point stabbing wildly in the dark when it comes to figuring out what counts as a luxury in the eyes of the employees, so ask them! The answers will give you a clearer route ahead and ameliorate the planning process invaluably.

Add Plants

Add Plants

Plants may not feel like high-class items, but they are because they deliver a better quality of life. They improve air quality, support well-being and bring something different to a business center that just isn’t achievable through other assets.

Downtime Areas Are Key

A big part of the way that work has changed in recent years is through the realisation that finding balance is extremely important. People crave and protect their downtime and understand the significance of supporting positive mental health above all else. If work is causing anxiety or depression or over-exaggerated stress, there is a real problem. Offices are expected to provide these areas so that employees are able to fully engage with the workday that faces them. By ensuring there is a space dedicated to relaxation and break culture, your office will be a place people want to be as opposed to avoid.

Creating a more luxurious vibe in an office renovation is an interesting task. There are many factors to consider such as sufficient break areas and enhanced bathroom spaces. The main focus should always be on ensuring the small touches are infused with luxurious intent. Everything matters from the light fittings to the kitchen facilities, so make it count and plan properly.