Website Design – Above or Below the Fold

Website Design - Above or Below the Fold

Web development is a wondering thing in the modern digital world. Web designing has several design factors. Do you know the concept of Above or Below the Fold? Don’t be afraid, generally, web developers create their websites with the advice of business owners. So, every website has different designs. Despite, no matter whether your website is folded or not. So, the main stuff is how you can properly align your website content.

Above the Fold Below the Fold – Definitions

What is the “Fold” on the Website?

What is the “Fold” on the WebsiteThe term “Above the fold” and “below the fold” phrases come from newspapers. The word “Fold” was the separation between the top and bottom half of the newspapers. You can see the newspapers in local stores, the folded front page has attractive and eye-catching headings, stories, and images. Because it is one of the business techniques for increasing sales. If you come to the website, you can apply the same concept here. But all about being “above the scroll”.

Above the Scroll

Above the ScrollAbove the scroll includes, your website content can be seen by visitors without any scrolling. As usual, the default display resolution is approximately 600 pixels. Thereafter, the big question is whether users need to scroll down to see the rest of the content.

You can assume that, generally, website scrolling is good stuff, it improves continuous reading, but sometimes users get bored. If you give enough of the contents above the scroll, it’s a good chance of retaining visitors.

Find your Fold (or scroll)

With all of the technologies, responsive website design is suitable for every screen’s size. Just the same, you can design and put your fold contents on every page.

Heat Maps

Heat MapsHeat maps are collecting their data from real-world users with multiple colors. It displays the information in a color scheme like red, yellow, and green. The Red represents the top part of the website; you can give impressive content for the top of the page. Yellow represents the bottom scrolling. So, heat maps are the best tool to determine the fold of your content.

Nowadays, many types of heat maps are available. Once you can set up the heat map, then you get an idea of where your visitors spend on your website, and they track the trapping or clicking. And you can audit how long visitors interact with each page on your website.

Contents Include Above the Scroll

Contents Include Above the ScrollAbove the scroll, there is, you will want to include the necessary contents at the top of the page. Once you do, it increases the chance of staying visitors to your website. And it will help with doing business with your company.

Above the Scroll considered the below things in your website

1. Brand or Business Logo

Brand or Business LogoIf you like people to recognize your website, you should put a perfect logo on the website. This fold allows visitors to know exactly what business you will do.

2. Unique Selling Offer (UPN)

Unique selling offer shows your visitors what services and benefits you can offer in your business.

3. Navigation Tool

A navigation tool is the best web navigation tool that allows users to explore your website.

4. Contact Information

Contact InformationNowadays, most people are berserk to learn how to contact you. So you can provide your telephone number and email address on your website. If you don’t provide that, they go to other similar websites.

5. Call Action

Some people like this feature and some people dislike it. So it is full control of your choice. You can put a call to action above the scroll, then people get a clear idea of your business.

Final Thoughts

If you provide too much information and irrelevant content on your website, then it affects your business. If you will start a new website, don’t forget to follow these rules.