What is the Appeal of Working for a Small Business?

What is the Appeal of Working for a Small Business

A small business can be defined as a company of between 11 and 50 employees, and a turnover of between around £1.5 million and £7 million annually. The term ‘SME’ is often used broadly to describe the small businesses of the UK, though this designation tends also to cover medium businesses of up to £31 million in annual turnover.

According to the National Federation of Self Employed and Small Businesses, SMEs accounted for more than 60% of total employment in 2020, 12.9 million of which were employed by small businesses in particular. This represents an explosion in growth for SMEs: to be specific, a 70% growth since 2000. It is safe to say that smaller business models are increasingly popular, not only for business owners but for employees as well. So why is that? What are the appeals of working for a small business?

Increased Influence

Increased Influence

Are you working in a small company, you are less likely to disappear into the fold with your work. A smaller team means more recognition and a higher likelihood of day-to-day dealings with the company’s business leaders. With closer points of contact than in larger businesses, your ideas are likely to have a larger impact – giving you the unique opportunity to help steer the business’ direction.

Your expertise specific to your role may give you a leading voice in particular decisions, and you can watch as your work directly impacts the company’s growth and message.

A Stepping-Stone Opportunity

Small businesses often work in networks, and employment for one such business will introduce you to a number of others.

Small business hierarchies are perfect for honing your skills, advancing a rung on the employment ladder, and creating a new path for yourself; training is often at the for small businesses, and with more time available for HR and line managers to invest in your growth, you can be sure to make headway in your career.

The Best of Both Worlds

The best of both worlds

Small businesses can offer a low-pressure work environment, enabling you to work at your best without your mental health suffering as a result. It increases your motivation for work. Despite this lower-pressure environment, the business is still as safe and secure as any major corporation, with vital assets like small business insurance making certain that your business can continue apace.

Building a Breadth of Skills

Building a breadth of skills

Small businesses are the perfect environment in which to develop skills outside of the usual demands of your work. With smaller teams all pitching in to complete projects, you’ll get the opportunity to try your hand at other disciplines, making you a better, well-rounded employee – for example, as a Content Lead on a new website launch, you may get the chance to assist the Web Developers in the creation of the site, allowing you to learn to code and apply your content expertise to inform the site’s layout.

The soft skills you can also develop from this practice are hugely useful for management positions, standing you in good stead to run your own SME in the future.